Painting by Numbers Polyptych

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Our forest - painting by numbers


Our forest - painting by numbers



Our forests Forests are habitat for numerous animals and plants. They are vitally important for men and animals alike. Forests, our “Green Lungs”, are indispensable for they purify the air and replenish it with oxygen. Unfortunately, our woods are imminently at stake due to the climate change. The painting’s motif displays the stunning beauty of a natural forest with beams of sunlight shining through and a creek, surrounded by bits of rock, in its center. The shadows and the colors of this unique polyptych are a particular treat and challenge for the hobby painter and at the same time it is a call for help to save our woods. Picture format and painting template: The new series “Master Class POLYPTCH – Professional Edition” by SCHIPPER Originally, a polyptych was a so-called winged altar-piece, the overall motif of which is divided into separate sections. The “Professional Edition’s” motif is an artwork of 5 parts and covers a wall space of approx. 132 x 72 cm. This artwork requires the hobby painter’s precision and patience when painting. Simultaneously, the demands to the painter’s skills are high, even if he is well-versed. However, the result is going to make up for all the efforts taken. The appreciation and admiration of the artwork’s stunned viewers will reward the hobby painter. The package includes an assembly instruction for 5 picture carriers. Contents of the box: 5 rigid painting cardboards: 2 templates 263 x 476 mm, 2 templates 263 x 598 mm, 1 template 263 x 720 mm with canvas structure finish. Precise contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic colors. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful painting. Assembly instruction for 5 frameless picture carriers is enclosed in the package. _________________________________________________________________________________ IT Il soggetto: Il nostro bosco Il bosco è l’habitat di un gran numero di animali e di piante ed è altresì di vitale importanza per l’uomo e per la fauna: fungendo da “polmone verde”, infatti, è indispensabile per la produzione di ossigeno e per la depurazione dell’aria. Purtroppo, però, i nostri boschi sono gravemente minacciati dal cambiamento climatico. Il quadro mostra tutta la bellezza di un bosco intatto, attraversato dai raggi del sole che illuminano il ruscello scorrentevi al centro gorgogliando sui massi che ne delimitano il corso. Il gioco di ombre e colori di questo singolare polittico costituisce una sfida particolarmente allettante per il pittore per hobby e, nel contempo, è un accorato appello a salvare il nostro bosco. Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: La nuova serie “Capolavori POLITTICO - Professional Edition” di SCHIPPER In origine per polittico si intendeva una pala d’altare composta da più tavole. Il soggetto della “Professional Edition” è composto da 5 pannelli e, applicato a parete, ricopre una superficie di ca. 132 x 72 cm. La realizzazione del quadro richiede un lavoro preciso e paziente, nel contempo rappresenta una grande sfida perfino per le capacità tecniche del pittore per hobby più esperto. Il risultato ricompensa tuttavia ogni fatica! Infatti l’opera finita, presentata con orgoglio dall’artista per hobby, susciterà le lodi e l’ammirazione dell’osservatore colmo di stupore. Ogni confezione contiene le istruzioni per il montaggio del supporto per 5 quadri. La confezione contiene: 5 pannelli in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino: 2 elementi da 263 x 476 mm, 2 elementi da 263 x 598 mm, 1 elemento da 263 x 720 mm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. Istruzioni di montaggio per 5 pannelli senza cornice. _________________________________________________________________________________ NL Het motief: Ons bos Het bos is het leefgebied van talrijke dieren en planten. Het is van vitaal belang voor mens en dier en als "groene long" onmisbaar voor de toevoer van zuurstof en het schoonhouden van de lucht. Helaas worden onze bossen ernstig bedreigd door de klimaatverandering. Het motief toont de volle schoonheid van een natuurlijk bos dat baadt in de stralen van de zon, met een beekje dat er in het midden van de afbeelding doorheen stroomt, omgeven door rotsblokken. Het spel van schaduwen en kleuren van dit unieke polyptiek is een bijzonder aantrekkelijke uitdaging voor de hobbyschilder en tegelijkertijd een oproep om ons bos te redden. Het beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: De nieuwe serie "Meesterklasse VEELLUIK – Professionele editie" van SCHIPPER Een veelluik noemde men oorspronkelijk een zogeheten vleugelaltaar met onderverdeelde schilderijen. Het motief van de "Professionele editie" is vijfdelig en bedekt een muuroppervlak van ca. 132 x 72 cm. Het maken van het schilderij vereist nauwkeurig en geduldig schilderen en stelt tegelijkertijd hoge eisen aan de schildervaardigheden van zelfs de ervaren hobbyschilder. Het resultaat is echter ruimschoots de moeite waard. Want het voltooide werk dat de hobbyschilder vol trots presenteert, ontlokt de verbaasde toeschouwer lof en bewondering. Montage-instructies voor 5 beelddragers zijn bij elke verpakking gevoegd. De inhoud van de verpakking: 5 stevige schilderkartons: 2 voorbeelden 263 x 476 mm, 2 voorbeelden 263 x 598 mm, 1 voorbeeld 263 x 720 mm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderpenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen. Bouwinstructies voor 5 lijstloze beelddragers.

By the torrent - painting by numbers


By the torrent - painting by numbers



The motif: The viewer is quite impressed by the size of the polyptych painting (in 5 parts) and the beauty of the scenery called “By the torrent”. The displayed landscape touches the soul in the colors of a summer day. The sun is blinking through the trees and shining brightly onto a boardwalk that harmoniously interconnects all 5 parts of the painting. Even the burbling sound of the torrent will make itself heard when the hobby painter starts painting to conjure up a painting that will invite an atmosphere imparting restoration and relaxation into the living room time and again. Picture format and painting template: “Masterclass POLYPTYCH – Professional Edition” is a new product line by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. The five paintings cover an area of approx. 132x72 cm. The large format is effective, decorative and enhances a modern style of living. The templates have a palpable and visible canvas structure which does not only result in an essentially improved visual impact of the finished painting but which also emphasizes the paintings’ character and supports the desired “oil on canvas effect”. An assembly instruction for 5 picture carriers is enclosed in the package by means of which the polyptych can be framed and hung up appropriately with very little effort and at a reasonable price. Contents of the box: 5 rigid painting cardboards: 2 templates 263 x 476 mm, 2 templates 263 x 598 mm, 1 template 263 x 720 mm with canvas structure finish. Precise contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic colors. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful painting. Assembly instruction for 5 frameless picture carriers is enclosed in the package. .............................. I Il soggetto: Ciò che colpisce l'osservatore del polittico a 5 scomparti "Al torrente" sono le dimensioni del quadro e la bellezza della scena raffigurata: uno squarcio di paesaggio che tocca l'anima, immerso nei colori di una bella giornata estiva. Il sole fa capolino tra gli alberi e i suoi raggi si posano sul ponticello di legno che, nel contempo, fa da armonico trait d'union tra le 5 tavole. Parrà perfino di sentire lo scrosciare del torrente, quando il pittore per hobby si metterà al lavoro e, come per magia, farà pian piano apparire un quadro che, a ogni sguardo, regalerà al salotto un'atmosfera distensiva e rilassante. Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: "Meisterklasse POLITTICO – Edizione professionale" è una nuova serie di prodotti della SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. Da appesi i 5 elementi coprono una superficie di ca. 132 x 72 cm. Il formato grande è estremamente decorativo, di grand'effetto e dà rilievo al design abitativo attuale. I supporti per la pittura hanno una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale dell'opera finita, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto "olio su tela". Ogni confezione è corredata delle istruzioni di montaggio per 5 pannelli, attenendosi alle quali il polittico può essere montato e appeso in modo consono al suo stile senza grandi spese e dispendio di tempo. La confezione contiene: 5 pannelli in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino: 2 elementi da 263 x 476 mm, 2 elementi da 263 x 598 mm, 1 elemento da 263 x 720 mm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. Istruzioni di montaggio per 5 pannelli senza cornice. .............................. NL Het motief: Het formaat van de afbeelding, maar ook de schoonheid van het landschap maakt indruk op de toeschouwer van het vijfdelige veelluik "Aan de bergbeek". Wat wij zien is een landschap in de kleuren van een zomerdag, dat de ziel raakt. Het zonlicht valt door de bomen en schijnt op het houten bruggetje, dat alle vijf schilderijen harmonisch met elkaar verbindt. Zelfs het ruisen van de bergbeek wordt hoorbaar als de hobbyschilder zich aan het werk zet en een schilderij tovert dat telkens opnieuw een rustgevende en ontspannen sfeer in de huiskamer schept. Het beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: "Meesterklasse VEELLUIK – Professionele editie" is een nieuwe productserie van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. De vijf schilderijen bedekken een muuroppervlak van ca. 132 x 72 cm. Het grote formaat is indrukwekkend en decoratief en het onderstreept modern woondesign. De schildervoorbeelden hebben een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar het geschilderde karakter van de afbeeldingen wordt onderstreept en het gewenste "olie-op-doek-effect" ondersteund. Montage-instructies voor 5 beelddragers zijn bij elke verpakking gevoegd. Daarmee kan het veelluik met slechts weinig kosten en moeite in stijl worden ingelijst en opgehangen. De inhoud van de verpakking: 5 stevige schilderkartons: 2 voorbeelden 263 x 476 mm, 2 voorbeelden 263 x 598 mm, 1 voorbeeld 263 x 720 mm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderpenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen. Bouwinstructies voor 5 lijstloze beelddragers.

Stormy Seas - painting by numbers


Stormy Seas - painting by numbers



Stormy Seas Oceans are both origin and source of life on our planet. Beauty, nearly unlimited vastness and uncontrollable natural forces of the oceans have cast a spell on men ever since. This unique fascination is captured in our polyptych painting’s motif. It is a contemporary interpretation and refinement of the 19th century maritime painting. The choice of the colors and the design of the motif give us an spectacular impression of the oceans’  elemental forces. The breaking surf and the scent of the sea can nearly be felt. A “maritime spectacle” for hobby painting.

Mykonos - painting by numbers


Mykonos - painting by numbers



 Mykonos The houses shining in white, embellished by the azure blue of their doors and window shutters huddle against the steep slopes of this Greek island. Our longing view wanders from a typical Greek wind-mill over the magnificent blue sea where a sailing ship glides along. A cozy tavern, framed by lush plants in full bloom, invites you to sit down on a wooden chair at one of the small tables to enjoy a glass of wine and some delicious “Mezedes”. The polyptych “Mykonos” doesn’t only make the hearts of all fans of Greece beat a little faster but every viewer will find himself surrounded by a relaxed holiday atmosphere. Picture format and painting template: The new series “Master Class POLYPTCH – Professional Edition” by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts Originally, a polyptych was a so-called winged altar-piece, the overall motif of which is divided into separate sections. The “Professional Edition’s” motif is an artwork of 5 parts and covers a wall space of approx. 132 x 72 cm. This artwork requires the hobby painter’s precision and patience when painting. Simultaneously, the demands to the painter’s skills are high, even if he is well-versed. However, the result is going to make up for all the efforts taken. The appreciation and admiration of the artwork’s stunned viewers will reward the hobby painter. The package includes an assembly instruction for 5 picture carriers. Contents of the box: 5 rigid painting cardboards: 2 templates 263 x 476 mm, 2 templates 263 x 598 mm, 1 template 263 x 720 mm with canvas structure finish. Precise contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic colors. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful painting. Assembly instruction for 5 frameless picture carriers is enclosed in the package. .............................................................................................................. I Mykonos Con le loro graziose porte e imposte azzurro intenso le bianche casette si arrampicano sinuose sulle pendici scoscese di quest’isola greca. Da uno dei mulini a vento così tipici per il paese si può lasciar vagheggiare lo sguardo sullo splendido blu del mare dove sfila giust’ora leggera una barca a vela. La tranquilla taverna invita a fermarsi qualche attimo per gustare un bicchiere di vino e deliziosi “mezedes” seduti ai piccoli tavoli su seggioline di legno circondati da piante cariche di fiori. Il polittico “Mykonos” farà battere più forte il cuore di tutti gli amanti della Grecia e trasporterà subito in un’atmosfera di vacanza chiunque lo osservi. Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: La nuova serie “Capolavori POLITTICO - Professional Edition” di SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. In origine per polittico si intendeva una pala d’altare composta da più tavole. Il soggetto della “Professional Edition” è composto da 5 pannelli e, applicato a parete, ricopre una superficie di ca. 132 x 72 cm. La realizzazione del quadro richiede un lavoro preciso e paziente, nel contempo rappresenta una grande sfida perfino per le capacità tecniche del pittore per hobby più esperto. Il risultato ricompensa tuttavia ogni fatica! Infatti l’opera finita, presentata con orgoglio dall’artista per hobby, susciterà le lodi e l’ammirazione dell’osservatore colmo di stupore. Ogni confezione contiene le istruzioni per il montaggio del supporto per 5 quadri. La confezione contiene: 5 pannelli in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino: 2 elementi da 263 x 476 mm, 2 elementi da 263 x 598 mm, 1 elemento da 263 x 720 mm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. Istruzioni di montaggio per 5 pannelli senza cornice. .............................................................................................................. NL Mykonos Stralend vlijen de witte huizen met hun azuurblauwe deuren en luiken zich tegen de steile hellingen van dit Griekse eiland. Vanaf een van de typische windmolens glijdt de blik verlangend over de prachtig blauwe zee, waar zojuist een zeilschip voorbij vaart. Een gezellige taverne nodigt uit tot een bezoek, waar je aan tafeltjes met houten stoelen naast weelderige bloeiende planten van een glas wijn en heerlijke „mezedes“ kunt genieten. Het veelluik "Mykonos" laat niet alleen het hart van alle Griekenland-minnaars sneller kloppen, maar dompelt elke kijker onder in een ontspannen vakantiesfeer Het beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: De nieuwe serie "Meesterklasse VEELLUIK – Professionele editie" van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. Een veelluik noemde men oorspronkelijk een zogeheten vleugelaltaar met onderverdeelde schilderijen. Het motief van de "Professionele editie" is vijfdelig en bedekt een muuroppervlak van ca. 132 x 72 cm. Het maken van het schilderij vereist nauwkeurig en geduldig schilderen en stelt tegelijkertijd hoge eisen aan de schildervaardigheden van zelfs de ervaren hobbyschilder. Het resultaat is echter ruimschoots de moeite waard. Want het voltooide werk dat de hobbyschilder vol trots presenteert, ontlokt de verbaasde toeschouwer lof en bewondering. Montage-instructies voor 5 beelddragers zijn bij elke verpakking gevoegd. De inhoud van de verpakking: 5 stevige schilderkartons: 2 voorbeelden 263 x 476 mm, 2 voorbeelden 263 x 598 mm, 1 voorbeeld 263 x 720 mm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderpenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen. Bouwinstructies voor 5 lijstloze beelddragers.

New York at dawn - painting by numbers


New York at dawn - painting by numbers



The motif: New York at dawn The “Big Apple” with all its lights shimmers golden on the banks of the East River at dawn while the skyline of New York City unfolds its particular charme in the early hours of the morning. The colors of sky and water with the impressive Brooklyn Bridge in the front are full of atmosphere and give us a particular impression of this lively metropolis. Picture format and painting template: The new series “Master Class POLYPTCH – Professional Edition” by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts Originally, a polyptych was a so-called winged altar-piece, the overall motif of which is divided into separate sections. The “Professional Edition’s” motif is an artwork of 5 parts and covers a wall space of approx. 132 x 72 cm. This artwork requires the hobby painter’s precision and patience when painting. Simultaneously, the demands to the painter’s skills are high, even if he is well-versed. However, the result is going to make up for all the efforts taken. The appreciation and admiration of the artwork’s stunned viewers will reward the hobby painter. The package includes an assembly instruction for 5 picture carriers. Contents of the box: 5 rigid painting cardboards: 2 templates 263 x 476 mm, 2 templates 263 x 598 mm, 1 template 263 x 720 mm with canvas structure finish. Precise contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic colors. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful painting. Assembly instruction for 5 frameless picture carriers is enclosed in the package. ................................................................................................................................... I Il soggetto: New York all’alba Al risveglio mattutino, sulle rive dell’Hudson River, “Big Apple” è tutto uno scintillio di luci dorate. È proprio nelle prime ore del giorno che lo skyline di New York City sprigiona un fascino assolutamente singolare. Il gioco di colori tra cielo e acqua, con l’imponente Brooklyn Bridge in primo piano, regala un’immagine particolarmente suggestiva di questa metropoli vivace e poliedrica. Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: La nuova serie “Capolavori POLITTICO - Professional Edition” di SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. In origine per polittico si intendeva una pala d’altare composta da più tavole. Il soggetto della “Professional Edition” è composto da 5 pannelli e, applicato a parete, ricopre una superficie di ca. 132 x 72 cm. La realizzazione del quadro richiede un lavoro preciso e paziente, nel contempo rappresenta una grande sfida perfino per le capacità tecniche del pittore per hobby più esperto. Il risultato ricompensa tuttavia ogni fatica! Infatti l’opera finita, presentata con orgoglio dall’artista per hobby, susciterà le lodi e l’ammirazione dell’osservatore colmo di stupore. Ogni confezione contiene le istruzioni per il montaggio del supporto per 5 quadri. La confezione contiene: 5 pannelli in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino: 2 elementi da 263 x 476 mm, 2 elementi da 263 x 598 mm, 1 elemento da 263 x 720 mm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. Istruzioni di montaggio per 5 pannelli senza cornice. ................................................................................................................................... NL Het motief: New York in de ochtendschemering Goudkleurig glinsteren de lichten van "Big Apple" aan de oever van de East River in de ochtend. De skyline van New York City ontvouwt vooral in de vroege ochtenduren haar bijzondere charme. Het kleurenspel van lucht en water en ook van de imposante Brooklyn Bridge op de voorgrond zorgen voor een bijzonder stemmig beeld van deze bruisende metropool. Het beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: De nieuwe serie "Meesterklasse VEELLUIK – Professionele editie" van SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts. Een veelluik noemde men oorspronkelijk een zogeheten vleugelaltaar met onderverdeelde schilderijen. Het motief van de "Professionele editie" is vijfdelig en bedekt een muuroppervlak van ca. 132 x 72 cm. Het maken van het schilderij vereist nauwkeurig en geduldig schilderen en stelt tegelijkertijd hoge eisen aan de schildervaardigheden van zelfs de ervaren hobbyschilder. Het resultaat is echter ruimschoots de moeite waard. Want het voltooide werk dat de hobbyschilder vol trots presenteert, ontlokt de verbaasde toeschouwer lof en bewondering. Montage-instructies voor 5 beelddragers zijn bij elke verpakking gevoegd. De inhoud van de verpakking: 5 stevige schilderkartons: 2 voorbeelden 263 x 476 mm, 2 voorbeelden 263 x 598 mm, 1 voorbeeld 263 x 720 mm met linnenstructuur. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderpenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen. Bouwinstructies voor 5 lijstloze beelddragers.

Colorful World - Our world in a play of colors - painting by numbers


Colorful World - Our world in a play of colors - painting by numbers



“Colorful World – Our world in a play of colors” The world map as a colorful, abstract piece of art. In the background, there is an antique world map on a stained piece of parchment. The satellite photograph of the earth surface was detached from  its geographic conditions. The colors and design of the state and country frontiers were changed. The result is an exciting mixture depicting a wonderfully colorful world, presenting itself in a cheeky and positive way, sparkling with life against its traditional background. An appealing wall decoration that is not bound to any real frontiers. This is exactly why it is a fresh start into a “Colorful World”. Picture format and painting template: The new series “Master Class POLYPTCH – Professional Edition” by SCHIPPER Originally, a polyptych was a so-called winged altar-piece, the overall motif of which is divided into separate sections. The “Professional Edition’s” motif is an artwork of 5 parts and covers a wall space of approx. 132 x 72 cm. This artwork requires the hobby painter’s precision and patience when painting. Simultaneously, the demands to the painter’s skills are high, even if he is well-versed. However, the result is going to make up for all the efforts taken. The appreciation and admiration of the artwork’s stunned viewers will reward the hobby painter. The package includes an assembly instruction for 5 picture carriers. Contents of the box: 5 rigid painting cardboards: 2 templates 263 x 476 mm, 2 templates 263 x 598 mm, 1 template 263 x 720 mm with canvas structure finish. Precise contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic colors. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful painting. Assembly instruction for 5 frameless picture carriers is enclosed in the package.

Schipper World Bundle

Bundle - 39 %


Schipper World Bundle



Product bundle consisting of: Colorful World - Our world in a play of colors - painting by numbers / Mykonos - painting by numbers / Final lacquer – transparent & glossy Article number: 609450856 Product: Colorful World - Our world in a play of colors - painting by numbers “Colorful World – Our world in a play of colors” The world map as a colorful, abstract piece of art. In the background, there is an antique world map on a stained piece of parchment. The satellite photograph of the earth surface was detached from  its geographic conditions. The colors and design of the state and country frontiers were changed. The result is an exciting mixture depicting a wonderfully colorful world, presenting itself in a cheeky and positive way, sparkling with life against its traditional background. An appealing wall decoration that is not bound to any real frontiers. This is exactly why it is a fresh start into a “Colorful World”. Picture format and painting template: The new series “Master Class POLYPTCH – Professional Edition” by SCHIPPER Originally, a polyptych was a so-called winged altar-piece, the overall motif of which is divided into separate sections. The “Professional Edition’s” motif is an artwork of 5 parts and covers a wall space of approx. 132 x 72 cm. This artwork requires the hobby painter’s precision and patience when painting. Simultaneously, the demands to the painter’s skills are high, even if he is well-versed. However, the result is going to make up for all the efforts taken. The appreciation and admiration of the artwork’s stunned viewers will reward the hobby painter. The package includes an assembly instruction for 5 picture carriers. Contents of the box: 5 rigid painting cardboards: 2 templates 263 x 476 mm, 2 templates 263 x 598 mm, 1 template 263 x 720 mm with canvas structure finish. Precise contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic colors. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful painting. Assembly instruction for 5 frameless picture carriers is enclosed in the package. Article number: 609450797 Product: Mykonos - painting by numbers  Mykonos The houses shining in white, embellished by the azure blue of their doors and window shutters huddle against the steep slopes of this Greek island. Our longing view wanders from a typical Greek wind-mill over the magnificent blue sea where a sailing ship glides along. A cozy tavern, framed by lush plants in full bloom, invites you to sit down on a wooden chair at one of the small tables to enjoy a glass of wine and some delicious “Mezedes”. The polyptych “Mykonos” doesn’t only make the hearts of all fans of Greece beat a little faster but every viewer will find himself surrounded by a relaxed holiday atmosphere. Picture format and painting template: The new series “Master Class POLYPTCH – Professional Edition” by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts Originally, a polyptych was a so-called winged altar-piece, the overall motif of which is divided into separate sections. The “Professional Edition’s” motif is an artwork of 5 parts and covers a wall space of approx. 132 x 72 cm. This artwork requires the hobby painter’s precision and patience when painting. Simultaneously, the demands to the painter’s skills are high, even if he is well-versed. However, the result is going to make up for all the efforts taken. The appreciation and admiration of the artwork’s stunned viewers will reward the hobby painter. The package includes an assembly instruction for 5 picture carriers. Contents of the box: 5 rigid painting cardboards: 2 templates 263 x 476 mm, 2 templates 263 x 598 mm, 1 template 263 x 720 mm with canvas structure finish. Precise contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic colors. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful painting. Assembly instruction for 5 frameless picture carriers is enclosed in the package. Article number: 605180721 Product: Final lacquer – transparent & glossy Final lacquer – transparent & glossy In the end there is the big moment when the painting is finished and the painter is proud to say: „I’ve painted that myself!“ The finished painting now is an asset to his home, the hobby painter is proud on his own performance and can be sure of the appreciation of his doing by family and friends. Such an artwork should be preserved for a long time! The “final lacquer – transparent & glossy” by SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts is a water-dilutable lacquer based on acrylic resins. It seals the surface of the painting, enhances the luminosity of the colors and improves the overall visual effect. 100 ml flask, detailed instructions and broad brush for an even application of the lacquer. Contents of the box: 100 ml final lacquer, transparent and glossy, bristle brush, width: 15 mm, for an even application of the lacquer. Detailed working instructions with product information.   Warning! Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Alurahmen Polyptychon Silber

Picture Frames

Alurahmen Polyptychon Silber



Mystic Patagonia Painting by Numbers


Mystic Patagonia Painting by Numbers


available from November

The "Mystic Patagonia" polyptych takes you on a journey to the fascinating landscape of Patagonia, an untouched region in the south of South America that stretches across Chile and Argentina. Here, imposing glaciers meet majestic mountains and endless expanses. At the heart of this wild landscape lies Fitz Roy, also known as Cerro Chaltén. With its summit at 3,406 metres above sea level, it is a symbol of the region’s rugged beauty. The sharp granite peaks, frequently shrouded in clouds and mist, give the mountain a mystical appearance and make it the guardian of the small town of El Chaltén. Experience the wild and untouched beauty of Patagonia in every brushstroke with this awe-inspiring motif!

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Painting by numbers polyptych - paint multi-part pictures yourself

Pictures can significantly influence the ambience in a room. Placed in a prominent position and, if necessary, staged with a photo mount and frame, they unfold their effect and captivate the viewer.

When thinking of a painting, most people immediately think of a work of art in the classic single format. No less popular, however, are the so-called polyptych paintings. Here we are dealing with extraordinary works that often take up comparatively much space and can have a correspondingly strong effect. With painting by numbers polyptych you become the creator of these expansive paintings. 

What is a polyptych?

The term polyptych refers to multi-part pictures. These are composed of at least two parts, whereby especially often three to five elements form a "comprehensive whole". 

Polyptych pictures to repaint - how to do it

If you want to paint pictures with Schipper polyptych, everything you need for this is in your Schipper painting set. This contains sometimes contour templates, colors, painting cardboard in canvas look and a brush. Once you have received your painting by numbers polyptych product, the painting fun can begin without further ado.

In keeping with the painting-by-numbers principle, your task is to give the fields marked on the outline template the right color. The numbers, one of which is placed in each field, help you to do this. Each number belongs to a certain color and thus clearly indicates how which field must be painted so that a beautiful multi-part picture can be created at the end. 

Painting by numbers 5-piece picture - our motifs

The Schipper range includes several products that fall into the category of "multipart pictures". Each Schipper polyptych is a 5-part picture, which - hung correctly - makes an impressive, large motif.

The painting by numbers "By the torrent" polyptych shows a sun-drenched forest, through which a clear stream ripples, "Stormy Sea" lets you look directly into the roaring waves and our 5-piece painting "New York at dawn" takes you on a colorful city trip to the awakening metropolis.

Since all these paintings are multi-part, the painting process usually takes more time than it is the case with a single painting. So you can look forward to one or the other "extra hour" creativity and relaxation!

Conclusion: painting by numbers for adults - create your own multi-part paintings

Multi-part paintings are extremely modern and act as a stunning eye-catcher in any room. So what are you waiting for? Choose a multi-part picture from Schipper and let yourself be inspired by painting by Numbers polyptych!

The Schipper polyptych products are characterized by excellent quality. Thanks to a perfectly coordinated color selection, you do not have to mix colors and should you ever need more of a color, the replacement color service provides relief. So you can enjoy your painting by numbers experience to the fullest.

The diverse Schipper assortment goes far beyond polyptych pictures! On our homepage, our exciting theme worlds are waiting to make your acquaintance - have fun discovering!