Painting by Numbers Polygon Art

Modernity, mental relaxation and painting fun - that's what polygon art offers you! If you want to learn more about what distinguishes the Schipper painting by numbers polygon pictures, you can read on here.


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Stag - Polygon-Art - painting by numbers

Polygon Art

Stag - Polygon-Art - painting by numbers



The motif: Stag – Polygon-Art Example for a frame sized 50 x 60 cm with passe-partout. “Polygon Art” – Pictures like diamonds SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts goes modern with the “Polygon Painting Technique”. The motifs are devided up into geometric areas and their characteristic features are worked out in colors like computer graphics do. In the same way as beauty and brilliance of a raw diamond are unfolded by cutting, the animal portrait “Stag” achieves its distinctive characteristics due to its geometric abstraction. The sharp contrasts created by the abstracted colors, positioned side by side, reflect the animal’s character. The brilliance of the colors brings the motif to live. “Polygon Art” is a wonderful asset to the descriptive art and a brilliant challenge for every hobby painter. Picture format and painting template: “MASTERPIECE Polygon-Art”. These pictures in upright or landscape format of 40 x 50 cm can be positioned side by side or one below the other and are particularly suited for a fine picture gallery. The painting templates have a visible and palpable canvas structure. Due to this feature, the finished painting’s appearance is not only essentially enhanced but it also emphasizes the artistic character of the paintings by supporting the desired “oil on canvas” effect. Hint: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts has matching aluminum frames on offer for this format. Please go to our menu bar “Frame Service”. Contents of the box: Rigid painting cardboard with canvas structure finish, size 40 x 50 cm. Precise pre-printed contours with well legible numbers. Water-based acrylic paints. Ready-to-paint pre-mixed colors. Brush with fine tip. Control template and detailed instructions for successful results. .............................. I Il soggetto: Cervo – Stile poligonale Esempio di quadro con cornice 50 x 60 cm e passepartout.​ "Stile poligonale" – Dipinti a guisa di diamante Con la "Tecnica di pittura poligonale" SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts percorre vie moderne: i soggetti sono rappresentati attraverso superfici geometriche e le loro caratteristiche distintive sono messe in risalto dal colore. Così come un diamante grezzo sprigiona tutta la sua bellezza e luminosità soltanto dopo essere stato tagliato ad arte, anche il ritratto di animale "Cervo" acquista tratti marcati grazie a questa raffigurazione geometrica astratta. Sono proprio l'alienazione cromatica e i crudi accostamenti a rispecchiare il carattere stesso dell'animale, mentre i colori vivaci danno vita al soggetto. Lo "Stile poligonale" arricchisce in modo stupendo l'arte figurativa ed è una sfida brillante per ogni pittore per hobby. Misura del quadro e supporto per la pittura: "MEISTERKLASSE Stile poligonale". Raggruppati uno accanto/sotto all'altro, i dipinti in formato orizzontale o verticale di 40 x 50 cm sono particolarmente adatti per creare una piccola pinacoteca personale. Il supporto per la pittura ha una struttura simil-lino, percepibile alla vista e al tatto, che non migliora soltanto di molto l'aspetto generale del quadro finito, bensì ne sottolinea anche il carattere pittorico suggerendo il desiderato effetto "olio su tela". Nota bene: la SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts dispone di cornici in alluminio adatte a questo formato. Vedi menu al punto "Servizio cornici". La confezione contiene: Pannello in cartone robusto con struttura simil-lino 40 x 50 cm. Traccia dai contorni precisi con numeri ben leggibili. Colori acrilici a base di acqua (non serve mescolarli tra loro). Pennello sottile. Foglio di controllo e istruzioni dettagliate per un ottimo risultato. .............................. NL Het motief: Hert – Polygon-Art​ Voorbeeld van een schilderij met lijst 50 x 60 cm  en passe-partout. "Polygon Art" – schilderijen als diamanten Met de "polygoon-schildertechniek" bewandelt SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts moderne wegen: De motieven worden door geometrische vlakken weergegeven en de karakteristieke kenmerken met verf uitgewerkt. Zoals een ruwe diamant door het slijpen schoonheid en schittering krijgt, wint ook het dierenportret “Hert” markante trekken door de geometrisch geabstraheerde gedaanteverandering. Juist de krachtig naast elkaar geplaatste kleurvervreemding weerspiegelt het karakter van het dier en de stralende kleuren wekken het motief tot leven. "Polygon Art" is een prachtige verrijking van de beeldende kunst en een briljante uitdaging voor elke hobbyschilder. Beeldformaat en schildervoorbeeld: "MEESTERKLASSE Polygon-Art​". Schilderijen in staand formaat of landschapsformaat van 40 x 50 cm, naast of onder elkaar gegroepeerd, zijn bijzonder geschikt voor een schilderijenverzameling. Het schildervoorbeeld heeft een voel- en zichtbare linnenstructuur. Daardoor wordt het schilderij uiteindelijk niet alleen mooier, maar wordt ook het geschilderde karakter van de afbeelding onderstreept en het gewenste "olie-op-doek-effect" ondersteund. N.B.: SCHIPPER Arts & Crafts heeft voor dit beeldformaat passende aluminium lijsten in het assortiment. Zie menubalk "schilderijlijst-service". Inhoud van de verpakking: Stevig schilderkarton met linnenstructuur 40 x 50 cm. Exacte contourtekeningen met goed leesbare getallen. Acrylverf op waterbasis in verschillende kleuren. Verf mengen niet nodig. Fijne schilderspenseel. Controleblad en uitvoerige instructies voor succesvol schilderen.

Fox - Polygon-Art - painting by numbers

Polygon Art

Fox - Polygon-Art - painting by numbers



“Polygon-Art” – Fox Polygon-Art uses geometry for an artistic alienation, thus creating a new visual scope of creativity - a a perfect fit for our modern times. A painting is created by composing geometric forms, matching and contrastive colors, the surface structure of which reminds us of a jewel. It gives the “fox motif” a particular radiance and a notable liveliness. Polygon-Art is an asset for hobby painting, if only because of its expressive painting technique.

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Painting by numbers polygon art - paint geometric pictures yourself

One aspect that makes painting such a fascinating hobby is its incredible versatility. Numerous art styles, some of which could not be more different, create a colorful landscape full of exciting possibilities.

A fairly modern way to create impressive pictures is called polygon art. Painting by numbers polygon art products from Schipper enable you to experience this contemporary art style up close and conjure up attractive motifs on the canvas yourself.

What is polygon art?

Polygon art is the name given to works of art that are composed of geometric shapes. In the majority polygon pictures contain mainly triangles in various sizes, but not infrequently occur squares, trapezoids or circles.

Polygon pictures to repaint - how to do it

To create modern motifs from the field of polygon art with painting-by-numbers, you only need a Schipper painting set and a desire to be creative. The sets from Schipper are supplied with all the utensils that you need in the course of the painting process, so you can start well-equipped.

The painting-by-numbers principle is quite simple: You receive an outline template that shows numerous small and larger fields. Each field is assigned a number, which in turn is assigned a color. So all you have to do is let the numbers guide you and watch your polygon art develop field by field into a masterpiece.

Paint pictures with geometric shapes yourself - our motifs

Currently, in the constantly growing Schipper assortment are two painting by numbers polygon motifs, which both fall into the category "polygon pictures animals".

Painting by numbers fox

One of our polygon animals is a magnificent fox that you can admire with a click here. The forest dweller sits in front of a background in shades of purple and yellow, watching the viewer with an alert, curious gaze. As is usual for polygon art, the geometric shapes create an extremely chic effect: in combination, they are reminiscent of the sparkling surface structure of a diamond - expressive and absolutely elegant.

Painting by numbers deer

The stag template from Schipper allows you to bring a stag geometrically striking on the canvas. The stately animal stands with its head and large antlers in the center of the image and is skillfully highlighted by strong contrasts. You can access our polygon art stag by clicking here.

Conclusion: painting by numbers for adults - create your own pictures from geometric shapes

Polygon art stands for modernity, straightforwardness and the courage to create something completely new from the old. The work with geometric shapes and strong color accents results in fascinating paintings that know how to convince with radiance and individuality. Thanks to the visually coherent, harmonious designs of Schipper, the polygon pictures fit perfectly into their environment and give every room a modern, fresh touch.

When you choose a Schipper painting by numbers product, you benefit from a whole range of advantages. On the one hand, you can rely on materials of the highest quality and do not have to worry about mixing colors. On the other hand, you have the possibility to use the replacement colors service. This special service allows you to easily reorder colors that you need more of.

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